+421 / 2 / 45 64 08 69 firma@intechcontrol.sk

Gas analysis

Analysis O2

Panametrics XMO2

Processor-controlled compact thermo-paramagnetic transducer of O2 concentration in gases

Panametrics O2.IQ

System for measuring O2 in gases with Oxy.IQ transmitter and elements for sample processing

Panametrics Oxy.IQ

Compact converter of O2 concentration in gases working on the principle of galvanic fuel cells

Panametrics CGA351

O2 analyzer in clean and dry gases working on the principle of Zirconium Oxide

Analysis of H2 and other gases

Panametrics XMTC

Compact converter of concentration of H2 and other binary plans working on the principle of thermal conductivity

Display units

Panametrics moisture.IQ

Multifunctional multi-channel humidity analyzer allowing the connection of DeltaF (O2), XMO2 (O2), XMTC (H2…) sensors or their combinations

Panametrics TMO2D

Display unit and power supply for XMO2, XMTC or Panametrics Oxy.IQ converters

Panametrics XDP

Display unit and power supply for XMO2, XMTC converters in “explosion-proof” design

Sample collection and processing systems

Systémy pre odber a spracovanie vzorky

Design, production and implementation of sample collection and processing systems
